Write a Testimonial for a Complementary Business

Jan 8, 2023

There is a saying “What comes around goes around.” In this week’s #makeithappenmonday we’re going to tap into that adage (and the energy behind it) to help another business — and ourselves in the process.

The act is simple, go leave a review or testimonial on someone else’s business. This can be on Linkedin, Facebook, Google — anywhere that business will benefit from receiving a testimonial.

Two caveats:

1. Be THOUGHTFUL in writing your testimonial or review. Don’t just smash the star button and call it good. Write a real review or testimonial. One that shows you know that business, have used their product/service, and care to share that experience.

2. Choose a complimentary business to yours — one where you will cross target markets to some degree or that has some influence over your own target market.

The benefit: Both you and the other business get a boost.
