Every entrepreneur is a salesperson, but very few entrepreneurs have any sales knowledge or training. In this short but powerful guide, I give you “the moves” you need to start and close sales conversations.
If you struggle with having sales conversations, this is the training you’ve always wanted, but didn’t know how to find.

Kim is so excited to bring this deck to the world. It has truly been a labor of love for the past four years, “I have enjoyed every moment I have spent creating these cards. I hope you will enjoy reading with them as much as I do — and that the spirit of Equus blesses you with her magic and wisdom every time you connect with her through these cards.” — Kim

The Neighdoodle Adult Meditative Coloring book and journal by Kathy Slagter with art by Kimberly Beer is filled with opportunities for experiential reflection and peaceful meditation in the form of art therapy.
Kim’s is an accommplished writer and artist — her work will motivate and inspire you.

Kim is a featured author in this collection of stories featuring the healing power of horses.

Kim is a featured author in this collection of stories from successful women entrepreneurs.