On Demand Knowledge, Inspiration, & Wisdom

A community that brings together mission-based entrepreneurs so that they can create a business that supports the life they want to live.

Full access in one place


Desktop and mobile accessibility


Available 24/7/365


Community interaction


No algorithm


Drama free


Multiple formats (audio, written, video) to suit how you learn and absorb

Everyday I Get to BE in a Business that Makes Me Happy!

And so can you!

The Be More Business Community is here to support you with knowledge, wisdom, and inspriation. 

Support & Repetition Create Lasting Success.

Explorer Level Master Classes

Eight Practices of a Sustainable Entreprenuership

Learn the 8 core practices that will sustain you longterm in your business and help you maintain your mental health and happiness.

Create a Business that Supports the Live you WANT to Live

Stop creating your life around your business and START tooling your business to support the life you want to live.

30 Minute Daily Business Growth Workout

In just 30 minutes a day, you can make impactful growth in your business with this formula.

Visionary Level Master Classes

Get Started Podcasting

Learn how to set up your own podcast, the tools (and skills) you need to record & edit, plus strategies I’ve learned over the past three years as a podcaster.

Build Your Sustainability & Joint Venture Squads

Use this easy formula to create a supportive & productive network — and maintain it over time.

Build Better Customer Avatars

In this enligtening master class, you’ll learn how to build better customer avatars and use them to guide your messaging & marketing.

Basic Digital & Print Design Principles

Some simple graphic strategies you can apply to make your visual communications more appealing.

How to Use Your Smart Phone to Build Your Business

The tool in your hand is one of the most powerful assistants you’ll ever have — learn how to use it for you business!

Building Social Proof for Your Business

Social proof is one of the key things that will move the dial on your business marketing. Learn what it is and how to get it in this master class.

Why YOU Should Join the Be More Business Community

I am totally aware you are bombarded with community invites. I’m also aware of two other key factors that most like are effecting your life:

  • a shortage of time and resources
  • a need for knowledge and guidance about how to successfully run a small business

In an effort to be mindful of these key factors, I am on a mission to build a knowledge and resource hub with an active community component where you can:

  • access the knowledge you need quickly and easily
  • find support & wisdom for the most difficult aspects of business ownership
  • meet and interact with other mission-based entrepreneurs
  • get off the beaten path of boring business building
  • remove the algorithmically inspired drama of social media groups
If you’ve been seeking a place to learn the real-world strategies and skills you need to move into a better relationship with your business, this is the right place for you.

The Be More Business Community Portal is housed inside Might Networks. I chose the MN platform because I believe it offers us a way to recapture the good community aspect of social media paired with the ability to absorb knowledge and learn in an ad-free, supportive environment. I encourage you to not only join this Mighty Network, but to seek out others and make this tool a go-to source for inspiration, education, and networking.