Make it happen Monday — One Thing You Can do THIS Week to Better Your Business
Conveying your business — and sometimes even your personal values — to your target market is an especially effective branding tactic for small businesses.
Consumers prefer to do business with companies that are aligned with their own values. But, if you don’t convey your values to your current and potential customers, they may be lacking key details they need to feel like they fit in or stay loyal to your brand over your competitor.
This week may send you down a bit of a rabbit hole if you’ve never examined your values before. That is a good thing! If you need help, there a many value tutorials out there that will help you walk through the process. A quick Google search will lead you to a host of resources — including coaches who work especially with this topic. Read, hire a coach, research, mull it over and get down to understanding what you carry as your top values both as an individual and a business.
Next, pick one of those values and relate it in a post or blog. It will be more impactful if there is a situation or story attached to the value. SHOW your reader and target market how the value you’re relating was realized in your business.
Make sure to attach ONE call to action at the end of your blog or post so those who read it will know a good next, best step to take with you if they choose to do so.
Make it a great week and I’ll see you next Monday!