Can you still successfully sell on Facebook?

Can you still successfully sell on Facebook?

Can you still successfully sell on Facebook? Here are two questions I hear a lot in my classes: “How do I successfully sell things on Facebook?” and “Can I sell anything on Facebook anymore?” Of course, the answer is “Yes,” but you perhaps have to look at selling...
How Long Does it Take To Build a Website?

How Long Does it Take To Build a Website?

How Long Does it Take To Build a Website? This is a very common question I get asked as a website designer. And the answer is always an unsatisfying, “It depends.” At least that’s what it is if I’m being honest. The truth is, I can actually input a website in a few...
What a Pasture Knows About Forgiveness

What a Pasture Knows About Forgiveness

What a Pasture Knows About Forgiveness Each spring ranchers burn pastures on purpose. In our area, the practice of controlled burn is reserved for the wooliest of fields. The ones that have gotten so out of control, they’re not easy to mow. Further into Kansas and out...